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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-05-262016 Assembly Election : Transferred Votes
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Barry, Robert (Statistician)
2017-03-102017 Assembly Election : Transferred Votes
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Barry, Robert (Statistician)
2019-12-162019 General Election Results in Northern Ireland and the Representation of WomenNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Potter, Michael (Researcher)
2020-05-182020-21 In-year monitoring of Public Expenditure - First Round : Supporting Assembly Committees in their Advisory & Scrutiny Roles
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Regan, Eileen
2021-02-232020-21 Spring Supplementary Estimates : Key Points
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Keyes, Rachel; Regan, Eileen
2022-02-162021-22 Spring Supplementary Estimates : Key Points
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Public Finance Scrutiny Unit
2022-05-122022 Assembly Election : Transferred Votes
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Barry, Robert
2021-01-11A comparison of approaches regarding a ban on the use of combustible cladding materialsNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Hull, Dan Dr
2021-09-08A comparison of electric vehicle (EV) markets and policies to promote adoption in EuropeNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; McKibbin, Des
2018-12-17A comparison of the planning systems in Ireland and Northern Ireland : A joint paper by the Oireachtas Library & Research Service and the Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Cave, Suzie; Semple, Maggie
2021-06-03A High Street Task Force for Northern Ireland : A Comparative Perspective
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service
2016-10-06Aarhus ConventionNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Cave, Suzie
2020-09-17Academic SelectionNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; McMurray, Sinéad
2016-09-08Academic selection : a brief overview
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Perry, Caroline
2017-05-18Addendum to NIAR 32-16 - 'The EU Referendum and the political implications for Northern Ireland'Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Stennett, Aidan
2016-01-07Addressing Bullying in Schools Bill : Views of Young People
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Perry, Caroline
2015-12-03Addressing Bullying in Schools BillNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Perry, Caroline
2021-09-26Adoption : Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Black, Lesley-Ann
2015-10-21Advance DecisionsNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Thompson, Janice
2022-03-07AERA Committee prioritised common Frameworks : overview and considerations
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Cave, Suzie; Allen, Mark