Browsing by Author Northern Ireland Housing Executive

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 89  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-05A Review of the Affordability of Social Rents in Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Housing Executive; Young, Gillian; Wilcox, Steve; Leishman, Chris; McCloy, Sarah
2015-09An Asset Management Strategy for Northern Ireland Housing ExecutiveNorthern Ireland Housing Executive
2015-09An Asset Management Strategy for Northern Ireland Housing Executive - Tower BlocksNorthern Ireland Housing Executive
-Annual Progress to the Equality CommissionNorthern Ireland Housing Executive
-Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended ...Northern Ireland Housing Executive
-Antrim and Newtownabbey : Housing Investment Plan Annual Update
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
2019Appendix A : Chronic Homelessness Action Plan : Consultation Accommodation and Non-Accommodation Based Issues
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
-Ards & North Down : Housing Investment Plan Annual Update
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
-Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon : Housing Investment Plan Annual Update
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
-Belfast : Housing Investment Plan Annual Update
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
2017-03Building Good Relations Through HousingNorthern Ireland Housing Executive
-Business PlanNorthern Ireland Housing Executive
-Causeway Coast & Glens : Housing Investment Plan Annual Update
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
2023-10Causeway Coast and Glens : Housing Investment Plan 2023-26
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
2019-08Causeway Coast and Glens : Housing Investment Plan 2019-2023
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
2022-03Cavity Wall Insulation Action Plan : Final Document
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
2019Cavity Wall Insulation Research Project 2019 : Research study prepared for the Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Northern Ireland Housing Executive; Consultancy Investigation Training (CIT)
2020-01Chronic Homelessness Action PlanNorthern Ireland Housing Executive
2019-05Chronic Homelessness Action PlanNorthern Ireland Housing Executive
2021Commissioning Prospectus : Affordable Social and Intermediate Housing for Social Housing Development : Programme Period (2021/21 - 2023/24)
Northern Ireland Housing Executive