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Showing results 11335 to 11354 of 12486 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-04The Code of Practice for the Screen Industry in Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
2022-05The Commission for Victims and Survivors (NI) response to the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Inquiry on the effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern IrelandCommission for Victims and Survivors
2021-02The Commission for Victims and Survivors Northern Ireland response to the Department of Health's Making life better - Preventing Harm & Empowering Recovery : a Strategic Framework to Tackle the Harm from Substance Use consultation
Commission for Victims and Survivors
2021-03The Commission for Victims and Survivors Northern Ireland response to the Department of Health's Mental Health Strategy 2021-2031Commission for Victims and Survivors
2021-01The Commission for Victims and Survivors Northern Ireland response to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Right’s call for inputs - follow up to country visits to Tunisia, Uruguay, Spain, Burundi, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Sri Lanka.Commission for Victims and Survivors
2019-02The Commission for Victims and Survivors Northern Ireland's Response to the Government's Strategy for Our VeteransCommission for Victims and Survivors
2020-01The Commission for Victims and Survivors Northern Ireland's response to the sentencing review Northern Ireland public consultationCommission for Victims and Survivors
2020-04The Commission for Victims and Survivors response to the Call for Evidence for the Second Personal Independent Payment Assessment ProcessCommission for Victims and Survivors
2019-11The Commissioner for Public Appointments (CPA NI)- whistleblowing policy and proceduresCommissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland
2015The Commissioner's Report : A Summary of Advice to Government 2011-2015
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2020-01The Commissioner's view : A summary of the responses to Home Truths
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2017-04The Common Lizard : Advice for Planning Officers and Appllicants Seeking Planning Permission for Developments Which May Impact Upon Protected Species
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
-The Concordat between the Voluntary & Community Sector and the Northern Ireland Government : Annual Report
Department for Communities
2016-03-11The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016 - S.R. No. 146 : Impact Assessment
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
2020-04-29The Consumer Council for Northern Ireland response to Royal Mail Consultation on the Overseas Post Scheme ChangesGeneral Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2019-01-10The Consumer Council for Northern Ireland response to the Civil Aviation Authority's Recognised Assistance Dogs : Call for evidence
General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2020-04The Consumer Council for Northern Ireland response to the Department for the Economy Energy Strategy Call for EvidenceGeneral Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2020-09-21The Consumer Council for Northern Ireland response to the Financial Conduct Authority's consultation on GC20/3 : Guidance for firms on the fair treatment of vulnerable customers
General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2019-01-06The Consumer Council for Northern Ireland response to the Financial Conduct Authority's consultation on Motor Finance discretionary commission models and consumer credit commission disclosureGeneral Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2020-09-14The consumer Council for Northern Ireland response to the Utility Regulator draft determination on the SONI price control 2020 - 25General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland