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Showing results 1287 to 1306 of 12601 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-02Audit of Inequalities and Action Plan 2016 - 2021Department for the Economy
2015-10Audit of Inequality & Action Plan : NIPB Equality Scheme 2015/16 - 2017/18
Northern Ireland Policing Board
2015-10Audit of the Traditional Music Sector in Northern IrelandArts Council of Northern Ireland
2018-07Audit of Vision Screening in Special Education Schools in Northern IrelandRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2015-09-02Audit on Record Keeping in the Acute Hospital SettingGuidelines and Audit Implementation Network
2016-03Audit Tables : Every Child Counts, Regional audit of the Child Health Promotion Programme - Health Visiting and School Nursing Service
Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority; Guidelines and Audit Implementation Network
2015-12-02Audit to Determine the Adherence to Regional Guidelines for the Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections (Including Uncomplicated, Complicated, Urosepsis and Catheter-Associated UTIs)Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority; Guidelines and Audit Implementation Network
2019-06Auditing for Improvement : Audit Framework and Guidance
Civil Service Commissioners for Northern Ireland
2022-01Auditing for improvement: audit framework and guidanceCivil Service Commissioners for Northern Ireland
2016-05Aujeszky's Disease (AD) Control Strategy for Northern IrelandDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2023-04Austism Strategy 2023-2028 : Consultation Summary Report
Department of Health
2017-12Australia : Market Profile
Tourism Ireland
2021-08Australia & New Zealand : Market Profile 2019
Tourism Ireland
2018Authorisation FrameworkNorthern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency
2016-10AuthorisationsHealth and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland
2018-11AuthorisationsHealth and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland
2015-12Authorised Police Drivers- Classification, Authorisation, Appointment and RemovalPolice Service of Northern Ireland
2016-05Authorising transactions : Guidance for charity trustees on getting authorisation for certain types of transaction
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
2023-03Authorising transactions : Guidance for charity trustees on getting authorisation for certain types of transaction
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
2020-05-28Autism : (i) Programmes of Care and (ii) Use of Language
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Janice Thompson, (Parliamentary researcher)