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Showing results 5009 to 5028 of 12579 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) - Monitoring ReportDepartment for Infrastructure. Analysis, Statistics and Research Branch; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2016-11Grant 1 : Variation 1, Grant to Housing Rights Service: Mortgage Repossession and Ejectment Proceedings
Legal Services Agency Northern Ireland
2016-12-20Grant and ProcurementDepartment of Finance
2021-10Grant Fraud RisksNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2023-08Grant Scheme Information - Updated August 2023Northern Ireland Police Fund
2015-11Grant to Housing Rights Service : Mortgage Repossession and Ejectment Proceedings
Legal Services Agency Northern Ireland
-Grant-Maintained Integrated Schools (Nursery / Primary & Post Primary) : Formula Funding Budgets
Department of Education
-Grant-Maintained Integrated Schools (Primary & Post Primary) : Revised Formula Funding Budgets
Department of Education
2016Grants Awarded to Community and Voluntary Groups 2012Ulster-Scots Agency
2016-01-05Grants Awarded to Community and Voluntary Groups 2013Ulster-Scots Agency
-GrassCheck 2015Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute
-GrassCheck 2016Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute; AgriSearch (Northern Ireland); College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise
-GrassCheck 2017Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute; AgriSearch (Northern Ireland); College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise
-GrassCheck 2018Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute; AgriSearch (Northern Ireland); College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise; Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs; Centre for Innovation Excellence in Lifestock
-GrassCheck 2019Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute; AgriSearch (Northern Ireland); College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise; Centre for Innovation Excellence in Livestock; Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
-GrassCheck 2020Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute; AgriSearch (Northern Ireland); College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise; Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs; Centre for Innovation Excellence in Lifestock
-GrassCheck 2021Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute; AgriSearch (Northern Ireland); College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise; Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs; Centre for Innovation Excellence in Lifestock
-GrassCheck 2022Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute; AgriSearch (Northern Ireland); College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise; Centre for Innovation Excellence in Livestock; Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
-GrassCheck 2023Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute; AgriSearch (Northern Ireland); College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise; Centre for Innovation Excellence in Livestock; Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
-GrassCheck 2024Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute; AgriSearch (Northern Ireland); College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise; Centre for Innovation Excellence in Livestock; Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs