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Showing results 5069 to 5088 of 12695 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-GrassCheck 2023Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute; AgriSearch (Northern Ireland); College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise; Centre for Innovation Excellence in Livestock; Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
-GrassCheck 2024Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute; AgriSearch (Northern Ireland); College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise; Centre for Innovation Excellence in Livestock; Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2019-04-25GrassCheck Farm WalkAgri-Food and Biosciences Institute
2019-11Great Britain : Market Profile
Tourism Ireland
2017-11Great Britain : Market Profile
Tourism Ireland
2016-02Greater Clarendon (Sailortown) Draft Masterplan ReportDepartment for Social Development
2016-11Greater Clarendon (Sailortown) Masterplan - Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) ReportDepartment for Communities
2016-07Greater Clarendon (Sailortown) Masterplan ReportDepartment for Communities
2017-10Greater Whitewell Community Surgery : Peace Walls Attitudinal Survey Summary of Results
International Fund for Ireland
2017-07Green Infrastructure and Planning : GI for biodiversity and people
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-01Greenhouse gas emissions on Northern Ireland dairy farms : a carbon footprint time series study
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs. Statistics and Analytical Services Branch
2022-05Grief & Bereavement in Northern Ireland : Summary of Engagement
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2016Ground Rents Act (Northern Ireland) 2001 Guidance for Rent PayersDepartment of Finance
2021-03Groundwater Draft Classification Methodology : Drinking Water Protected Area Test 2020/2021Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2021-03Groundwater Draft Classification Methodology : General Chemistry Test 2020/2021Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2021-03Groundwater Draft Classification Methodology : GWDTE Test 2020/2021Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2021-03Groundwater Draft Classification Methodology : Saline Intrusion Test 2020/2021Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2021-03Groundwater Draft Classification Methodology : Surface Water Chemical Test 2020/2021Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2021-03Groundwater Draft Classification Methodology : Surface Water Quantitative Test 2020/2021Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2021-03Groundwater Draft Classification Methodology : Trend Assessment and Points for Trend Reversal 2020/2021Northern Ireland Environment Agency