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Showing results 112 to 131 of 12486 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-05A 10x Economy : Northern Ireland's Decade of Innovation
Department for the Economy
2021-05A 10x Economy : A Summary of the Economic Vision for a Decade of Innovation
Department for the Economy
2022-11A 10X Economy : An Open Call for Research Proposals : Providing an Evidence-Base for Economic Policy in Northern Ireland
Department for the Economy
2021-07A 10x Economy : Research Programme : Providing an Evidence-Base for Economic Policy in Northern Ireland
Department for the Economy
2022-10A 10X Economy : Research Programme 2022-23 and Beyond : Providing an Evidence-Base for Economic Policy in Northern Ireland
Department for the Economy
2023-08A 10X Economy : An Open Call for 10X Research Proposals : Providing an Evidence-Base for 10X Policy in Northern Ireland
Department for the Economy
2015-02A basic guide to starting a Bed & Breakfast businessTourism Northern Ireland
2020-09A Call for Change : Time for Action : Meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs in Catholic maintained schools - Main Report
Council for Catholic Maintained Schools (Northern Ireland)
2020-09A Call for Change : Time for Action : Meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs in Catholic maintained schools - Executive Summary
Council for Catholic Maintained Schools (Northern Ireland)
2021-07A Cancer Strategy for Northern Ireland 2021-2031 : [Consultation Document]
Department of Health; McArdle, Charlotte
2022-04A Cancer Strategy for Northern Ireland 2022-2032Department of Health
2022-03A Cancer Strategy for Northern Ireland 2022-2032 : Funding Plan
Department of Health
2018-08A Car Buyer's Guide : Advice for consumers when buying a car in Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and Great Britain
General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland; Department for the Economy; European Consumer Centres Network; Trading Standards Service
2018-06A Celebration of Irish Medium Education 2018Iontaobhas na GaelscolaĆ­ochta
2016A charging Scheme made under Regulation 4 of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Charging Scheme Regulations 2012Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2017-01A Charter for InspectionEducation and Training Inspectorate
2015-09A Charter for InspectionEducation and Training Inspectorate
2020-06A Child's Right to Education and Covid-19 - Next Steps, a Child's Rights ApproachNorthern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2024-06A Collective Leadership Framework for Nursing and MidwiferyDepartment of Health; Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing & Midwifery
2021-01-11A comparison of approaches regarding a ban on the use of combustible cladding materialsNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Hull, Dan Dr