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Showing results 6978 to 6997 of 12450 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-02-15NAMA's Sale of the Property Loan Portfolio in Northern Ireland - TimelineNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service
2016-07National Diet and Nutrition Survey : Assessment of dietary sodium, Adults (19 to 64 years) in Northern Ireland, 2015
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland; Department of Health; Safefood
2017-06National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS RP) : Result from Years 1-4 (combined) for Northern Ireland (2008/09-2011/12) : A survey carried out on behalf of the Food Standards Agency in Northern Ireland and Public Health England
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland; Department of Health; Safefood, the Food Safety Promotion Board
2019-04National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS RP) : Results for Years 5 to 9 (combined) of the Rolling Programme for Northern Ireland (2012/13 - 2016/17) and time trend and income analysis (Years 1 to 9; 2008/08 - 2016/17)
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland; Department of Health; Safefood; Bates, Beverley; Clifford, Robin; Collins, D; Cox, Lorna; Davidson, N; Gay, Clifton; Nicholson, Sonja; O'Reilly, Marian; Page, Polly; Roberts, Caireen; Steer, Toni; Swan, Gillian
-National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS RP) : Executive Summary
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
-National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS RP)Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2022-09-26National Fraud Initiative in Northern Ireland 2022-23Northern Ireland Audit Office
2022-02National Lottery Heritage Fund Policy Directions : Public Consultation
Department for Communities
2018-12National Museums NI Ethics PolicyNational Museums Northern Ireland
2022-09National Occupational Standards Strategy 2022 and beyondDepartment for the Economy; Welsh Government; Scottish Government
2016-04National statistics consultation on proposed changes to DHSSPS statistical publications : Summary of Responses
Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety
2019-10-11National Statistics Consultation paperDepartment of Health. Information Analysis Directorate
2019-10-11National Statistics Consultation paperDepartment of Health. Information Analysis Directorate
2023-10National Transfer Scheme for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children : Northern ireland specific procedure
Department of Health
2019Native Oyster Spawning Assessment : Lough Foyle Summer 2019
Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission. Loughs Agency; McGonigle, Ciarán; O'Donnell, Rory; Thornton, Aine; Sheerin, Tom
2019Native Oyster Spawning Assessment : Lough Foyle Summer 2018
Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission. Loughs Agency; McGonigle, Ciarán; Bromley, Cass; Perry, Luke; Sheerin, Tom
2016-10Native Oyster Spawning Assessment Lough Foyle Summer 2016Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission. Loughs Agency; McGonigle, Ciaran; Jordan, Catherine; Geddis, Kelsie
2017-10-27Natural Mineral Water, Spring Water and Bottled Drinking Water Regulations in Wales and Northern IrelandFood Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2021-04-22Nature Friendly Farming in Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Cave, Suzie; Bamford, James; Allen, Mark (Information officer)
2015-08Nature of the Role - CoronerNorthern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission