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Showing results 579 to 598 of 937 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Maghaberry Prison Annual ReportIndependent Monitoring Board for Northern Ireland
-Magillan Prison Annual ReportIndependent Monitoring Board for Northern Ireland
-Making Life Better - Key Indicators Progress UpdateDepartment of Health
-Management PlanRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2016-11-17Managing Fraud Risk in an Changing Environment : Self-assessment Checklists
Northern Ireland Audit Office
2015-10Marine Litter WatchDepartment of the Environment
2015Marine Litter WatchDepartment of the Environment
2015-12Measurement of Outcomes Report 2015Department for Social Development. Urban Regeneration Strategy Directorate. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
-Measuring Success : 10X Metrics to Achieve a 10X Economy
Department for the Economy
-Medical and Dental Education and Training Annual ReportWestern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2016-06Memorandum on the Thirty Fifth Report from the Public Accounts Committee Mandate 2011-2016 : Department of Education: Sustainability of Schools
Department of Finance
2016-06Memorandum on the Thirty Sixth Report from the Public Accounts Committee Mandate 2011-2016 : The Governance of Land and Property in the Northern Ireland Housing Executive : Presented to the Northern Ireland Assembly by the MInister of Finance
Department of Finance
2016-10Mental Health and Learning Disability : Guardianship Service User Experience 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016
Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
-Method of Travel to/from School by Pupils in NIDepartment for Infrastructure. Analysis, Statistics and Research Branch; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2015Method of Travel to/from School by Pupils in NI, 2014/15Department for Regional Development
-Mid and East Antrim : Housing and Investment Plan Annual Update
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
-Mid Ulster : Housing Investment Plan Annual Update
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
-Mid-year population estimates for areas within Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
-Monitoring Plan for ...Northern Ireland Water
-Monitoring ReportEquality Commission for Northern Ireland