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Showing results 177 to 191 of 191 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-02Unofficial/Unregulated Transfer TestCouncil for Catholic Maintained Schools (Northern Ireland)
2016-05Wall and Floor TilerConstruction Industry Training Board Northern Ireland
2016-03Want to complain about a Councillor's conduct?Northern Ireland Local Government Commissioner for Standards
2017-03Water Systems : Health Technical Memorandum 04-01: Safe Water in Healthcare Premises
Department of Health
2018-06Weigh to a healthy pregnancyPublic Health Agency
2016-06Welcome to the Labour Relations Agency : How we can help you
Labour Relations Agency
2016-03Welcome to the Local Government Pension Scheme (Northern Ireland) 2016/2017Northern Ireland Local Government Officers' Superannuation Committee
2017-11What I need to know about a Serious Adverse Incident : Information for Service Users, Family Members and Carers
Health and Social Care Board; Public Health Agency
2017What to expect at an Accompanied Site VisitPlanning Appeals Commission
2015-09Why We Need Higher Education : Factsheet 1
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
2017-06You, Your Child and AlcoholPublic Health Agency
2018-10You, Your Child and DrugsPublic Health Agency
2016Your Complaint ~ Our DecisionNorthern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman
2016-03Your Complaint ~ Our DecisionNorthern Ireland Local Government Commissioner for Standards
2021Your Human Rights during the Covid-19 PandemicNorthern Ireland Human Rights Commission