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Showing results 13 to 32 of 112 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-12Broadband Open Market Review : Project Stratum : Response to State Aide Public Consultation : Extending Broadband across Northern Ireland
Department for the Economy
2018-10Causeway Coast & Glens Preferred Options Paper : consultation comments
Department for the Economy. Minerals and Petrolem Branch
2018-02Changes to the Affordable Warmth SchemeGeneral Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2021-04Children's Social Care : Consultation on proposals to extend modifications to children's social care regulations : Period of consultation: from 8 April to 22 April 2021
Department of Health
2019-09Commission for Victims and Survivors response to the Health and Social Care Board consultation on the establishment of the Regional Trauma NetworkCommission for Victims and Survivors
2019-11Commission for Victims and Survivors response to the Northern Ireland Office Consultation on the Victims Payment SchemeCommission for Victims and Survivors
2019-12Consultation on Changes to the Application for Registration and the Annual Return Regulations 2019 : Consultation Report
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
2021-02Consultation on Continuing Healthcare in Northern Ireland : Introducing a Transparent and Fair System : Analysis of Responses
Department of Health
2021-06-10Consultation on creating complaints handling standards for the Northern Ireland public sector : Consultation document
Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman
2019-11-04Consultation on Maximum Resale Price as it applies to Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEVs)Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2018-08Consultation on permanent increase in car parking charges at the Antrim Area and Causeway Hospitals : Consultation Feedback Report For consideration by Trust Board
Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2018-02Consultation on Proposals to amend the Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs; Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2018-08Consultation on the Removal of Deposits and Securities as alternatives to conventional insuranceDepartment for Infrastructure; Department for Transport
2018-12Consultation on Timetable and Work Programme for Development of Third Cycle River Basin Management Plans 2021-2027Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2018-12-22Consultation on Timetable and Work Programme for Development of Third Cycle River Basin Management Plans 2021-2027Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2018Consultation on Working with Communities - Implementing Geological Disposal : Summary of Consultation Responses
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2018-02Consultation Report on the Belfast Bicycle NetworkDepartment for Infrastructure
2021-06COVID-19 Vulnerable Children and Young Peoples Plan : Consultation Analysis Report
Department of Health
2020-09Cross-Departmental Actions for Vulnerable Children and Young People during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period : Consultation Document
Department of Health
2022-01-10Deferral of School Starting Age : Report on the Outcome of Public Consultation
Department of Education