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Showing results 192 to 211 of 266 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-04Rationalisation of official control shellfish biotoxin and phytoplankton monitoring points in Carlingford LoughFood Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2018-01Recovery of Defence Costs Orders : Consultation on proposed amendments to the scheme and draft legislation
Department of Justice
2019-02Regulating Our Future consultation on amendments to the Food Law Code of Practice (Northern Ireland) : Summary of responses
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2021-11Report on the outcome of the Consultation on Proposed changes to the Area-based Scheme Review of Decisions Panel 2021Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2022-10Reservoirs Act (Northern Ireland) 2015 : Consultation Report - Synopsis of responses to the consultation on the legislation to commence and implement the Reservoirs Act (NI) 2015 and the draft reservoir designation criteria, together with the Department's response
Department for Infrastructure
2021-11Resevoirs Act (Northern Ireland) 2015Department for Infrastructure
2019-08Reshaping stroke care consultation : Response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2020-10Response to Gigabit Takeup Advisory Group’s (GigaTAG) call for evidenceGeneral Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2022-03Response to Public Consultation on Improving the Effectiveness of Hate Crime Legislation in NINorthern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2022-03Response to the consultation on Human Rights Act Reform : A modern Bill of Rights
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2022-04Response to the European Commission Consultation on the Racial Equality Directive (Directive 2000/43/EC)Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2020-08-06Response to the Financial Conduct Authority consultation on guidance on cancellations and refundsGeneral Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2018-10Response to the Northern Ireland Office's (NIO's) Consultation Paper Addressing the Legacy of Northern Ireland's PastNorthern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2020-10-14Response to the Utility Regulator consultation on G-TUoS Revenue AllocationGeneral Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2020-08-12Retained EU Case Law : Consultation Response
General Council of the Bar of Northern Ireland
2020Review of Further Education Support and Charging Policy at CAFREDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2020-10Review of the Design Guide for Travellers Sites' in Northern Ireland : Consultation Response Document
Department for Communities
2021-03-01Review of the Food Law Code of Practice, Food Law Practice Guidance, and implementation of the Competency Framework – Northern Ireland : Summary of stakeholder responses
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2019-04Review of the Law on Child Sexual Exploitation : Consultation Response
General Council of the Bar of Northern Ireland
2020-09Review of the Law on Child Sexual Exploitation : Summary of Responses to the Consultation and Next Steps
Department of Justice