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Showing results 510 to 529 of 708 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-09Proposed Amendment to the Strangford Lough Ferry Service TimetableTransportNI
2016-06Proposed changes to the Northern Ireland local authority collected municipal waste management statistics annual publicationDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2016-09Proposed closure of Ballynahinch, Cookstown and Newcastle Social Security Offices and Jobcentres : Rural Impact Assessment
Department for Communities
2016-01Proposed East Coast (Northern Ireland) MarineNorthern Ireland Environment Agency
2016-01Proposed East Coast (Northern Ireland) Marine Special Protection AreaNorthern Ireland Environment Agency
2015-06Proposed Fee Structure For Court Funds OfficeNorthern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service
2015-09Proposed Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Angling) Regulations 2015Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission. Loughs Agency
2016-07Proposed Increase To Court Fees : Response of the Law Society of Northern Ireland
Law Society of Northern Ireland
2016-03Proposed Increase to Court Fees : Consultation Paper
Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service
2017-07-07Proposed Licence Modifications to SONI TSO Licence regarding electricity connections review : Consultation Paper
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2017-02Protect Life 2 : a draft strategy for suicide prevention in the north of Ireland: Consultation Analysis Report
Department of Health
2016-09Protect Life 2 : a draft strategy for suicide prevention in the north of Ireland
Department of Health
2017Provisional Proposals : [Constituencies by ward by number of electors]
The Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland
2015Public Consultation on DCAL Community Festival FundDepartment of Culture, Arts & Leisure
2015-02Public Consultation on Policy Proposals for a Rural Proofing BillDepartment of Agriculture and Rural Development
2015-11-18Public Consultation on proposals for a Successor to DARD's Tackling Rural Poverty and Social Isolation Framework 2011-2015Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
2014-09Public Consultation on Proposals Related to Downloading Timescales for Digital Tachograph DataDepartment of the Environment
2017-02Public consultation on Regulations to tackle drink driving in Northern Ireland : Synopsis of Consultation Responses
Department for Infrastructure
2016-03Public consultation on Regulations to tackle drink driving in Northern IrelandDepartment of the Environment
2015-06Public Consultation Proposal for the Mandatory Wearing of Helmets on Motor TricyclesDepartment of the Environment. Road Safety & Vehicle Regulation Division