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Showing results 52 to 71 of 708 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-11Alternative Method for Funding Money Damages Claims : Consultation Document
Department of Justice
2016-03Alternatives to the Small Business Rate Relief Scheme : A Discussion Paper
Department of Finance and Personnel
2016Amended Development Proposal No 452 : Gaelscoil an Lonnain
Northern Ireland Education Authority
2016-11Amendments to environmental permitting regulations to improve air quality by transposition of Medium Combustion Plant Directive and application of emission controls to high NOx generators in anticipation of the 2020 NOx emission ceiling within the Gothenburg Protocol : Impact Assessment
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2015-04An unanounced Inspection of Woodlands Juvenile Justice CentreCriminal Justice Inspectorate
2016-10Analysis of Consultation Responses Public Use of the Records (Management and Fees) Rules (Northern Ireland) 2016Department for Communities
2016-09Analysis of Public Consultation : Consultation on Proposals for a Historic Environment Fund
Department for Communities
2016-06Annual accounting and reporting requirements draft guidance consultationCharity Commission for Northern Ireland
2015-10Antrim & Newtownabbey Borough Council Consultation : Draft Statement of Community Involvement, MAG Response
Ministerial Advisory Group for Architecture and the Built Environment for Northern Ireland
2017-04-12Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Local Development Plan 200 Preferred Options Paper : MAG Response
Ministerial Advisory Group for Architecture and the Built Environment for Northern Ireland
2016-03Appeal process for the award and publication of Raw Drinking Milk (RDM) producer compliance ratings in England, Wales and Northern IrelandGreat Britian. Food Standards Agency
2016-02Application to Amend Fish Culture License for a Site near Mill Bay in Carlingford LoughDepartment of Agriculture and Rural Development. Fisheries and Environment Division
2017-03Applications by Gas Licence Holders for the Grant of Necessary Wayleaves : Proposed Guidance for Applicants and Landowners and/or Occupiers
General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2016-11Apprenticeship Levy : Employment Engagement Consultation Paper
Department for the Economy. Youth Policy Division
2015Assessment Against the MCZ Selection Guidelines : Outer Belfast Lough Proposed Marine Conservation Zone (pMCZ)
Department of the Environment
2015Assessment Against the MCZ Selection Guidelines : Waterfoot Proposed Marine Conservation Zone (pMCZ)
Department of the Environment
2015Assessment Against the MCZ Selection Guidelines : Carlingford Lough Proposed Marine Conservation Zone (pMCZ)
Department of the Environment
2015Assessment Against the MCZ Selection Guidelines : Rathlin Proposed Marine Conservation Zone (pMCZ)
Department of the Environment
2015Assessment on potential impacts to the Carlingford Lough Area of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI) featuresAgri-Food and Biosciences Institute. Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystems Branch
2015-09Audit of Inequalities - March 2015 : Summary of Consultation Responses
Northern Ireland Local Government Officers' Superannuation Committee