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Results 1-10 of 14 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Acute Hospital Inspection HandbookRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2016-03Guidance on the use of Overt Close Circuit Televisions (CCTV) for the Purpose of Surveillance in Regulated Establishments and AgenciesRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2015-12Advice on the Management of When Required Medicines to Service Users Displaying Distressed ReactionsRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2016-01Acute Hospital Inspection Programme GuidanceRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2016-12Guideline for Regional In-Utero Transfer of High Risk Women within Northern Ireland, (Including potential transfer outside Northern Ireland via air ambulance)Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2019-11RQIA Guideline for Planning to Birth at Home in Northern Ireland (2019)Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2017-05Towards Safe, Effective and Compassionate Care – Guidelines Supporting Domiciliary Care Workers to meet the NISCC Standards of Conduct and PracticeRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2017-03Guideline for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of Hyponatraemia in Labour and the Immediate Postpartum PeriodRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2017-06Guidelines for the Rehabilitation of Patients with Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression (MSCC)Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2017-07Evidence Tables for Guidelines for the Rehabilitation of Patients with Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression (MSCC)Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority