Other Publications (Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service)

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 34
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025-03Media Guide 2025Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service; Department of Justice
2023-05Courts and Tribunals Venue Safety : Spring/Summer 2023
Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service
2023-12Making the Place for Justice : Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service Estate Strategy 2023 - 2030
Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service; Vision 2030; Department of Justice
2023-02Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service Provisional Figures - User GuideNorthern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service
2022-06Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service Judicial Statistics - User GuideNorthern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service; Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency; Department of Justice
2022-01Digital Strategy 21 - 26Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service; Vision 2030; Department of Justice
2015-08The Care Tribunal : A Guide to the Appeals Process and Procedures
Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service
2022-08Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service Operational BulletinNorthern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service; Vision 2030
2022-05Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service Publications ConsultationNorthern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service; NISRA; Department of Justice; McLarnon
2021-03Modernising the Courts and Tribunals in Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service; Department of Justice
2020-03Evaluation of the Substance Misuse Court PilotNorthern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service
2020Court Venue Safety during COVID-19 : A guide for the legal profession and other users of NICTS buildings
Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service
2017-01Partnership Protocol : Victim Support NI, Witness Service, NSPCC, Young Witness Service and Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service
Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service; Victim Support Northern Ireland; NSPCC Northern Ireland
2019-09Improving Cost Recovery in the Civil Courts : Response to Consultation
Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service
2019-09Do I have to Pay Court Fees? : A Guide for Court Users on Exemption and Remission of Fees
Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service
2018Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal : How to Appeal
Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service
2017-10-27Statistical Notice : Revision to Judicial Statistics 2015 and Judicial Statistics 2016
Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service; Northern Ireland Statistics and Reserarch Agency
2017-12Pre-Action Protocol for the Resolution of Claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) (Northern Ireland) Order 1979Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service
2017-03A guide to proceedings in the High Court for people without a legal representativeNorthern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service
2017-09Getting a Divorce/ Dissolution of a Civil Partnership : A guide for people who want to bring proceedings without involving a solicitor
Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 34