Other Publications (Northern Ireland Environment Agency)

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 231
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-12Public Consultation Paper : Extension of existing NIEA Regulatory Charging Policy from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2023
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2019-11Guidance on Management of Waste Domestic Heating Oil TanksNorthern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-08Methodology for Designing Local Landscape Policy Areas (LLPA)Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-07Green Infrastructure and Planning : GI for biodiversity and people
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2019Prosperity Agreements : Eligibility and Process
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2019-07Guidance on Contraventions of Drinking Water Quality Standards in Private Water SuppliesNorthern Ireland Environment Agency
2016-05Nitrates Action Programme 2015-2018 and Phosphorus Regulations Guidance BookletNorthern Ireland Environment Agency; Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2019-06General EIA scoping advice for developments likely to affect natural heritage interests including landscapeNorthern Ireland Environment Agency
2018-01EIA scoping advice : Wind Farms
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2019The pine marten in Northern Ireland : a Guide for Householders
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2019Nutrients Action Programme 2019-2022 : Guidance Booklet
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2019-01Further information to support the Ramsar proposalsNorthern Ireland Environment Agency
2018-12Consultation on Timetable and Work Programme for Development of Third Cycle River Basin Management Plans 2021-2027Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2018-12A Review of Northern Ireland Seal Count Data 1992-2017 : Investigating population trends and recommendations for future monitoring
Northern Ireland Environment Agency; Centre for Environmental Data and Recording; Queen's University Belfast; Culloch, Ross M; Horne, Nicholas; Kregting, Louise
2018-06Quantifying the impact of wildfires in Northern Ireland : Final Report 2016
Northern Ireland Environment Agency; Kelly, Ruth; Boston, Emma; Montgomery, William Ian; Reid, Neil
2018-01-18Surface Water Abstraction : Monitoring Plan Guidance
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2018-06Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) Regulatory Position Statement (RPS) : Movements of Small Quantities of Hazardous Waste
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2018-06-11Regulatory Position Statement : the movement and use of treated asphalt waste containing coal tar
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2016Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring ReportNorthern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-12Regulatory Position Statement : The revised Waste Framework Directive - Regulation of Excluded Wastes
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 231