Other Publications (Foras na Gaeilge)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2024-06 | Equality Impact Assessment | Foras na Gaeilge |
2024-06 | Strategic Direction 2025 - 2030 : Draft | Foras na Gaeilge |
2023-04 | An Bosca Leabharlainne : Evaluative Report | Foras na Gaeilge; Boal, Marianne O'Kane |
2015-12 | Guidance Document : Irish Language Services in the New Councils | Foras na Gaeilge |
2017-11 | An Analysis of Models of Provision for Irish-medium Education | Foras na Gaeilge |
2016 | Code of Practice on Freedom of Information for North/South Implementation Bodies and Tourism Ireland Ltd | Foras na Gaeilge |
2015-12 | Treoirchapáipéis : Seirbhísí Gaeilge sna Comhairlí Nua | Foras na Gaeilge |
2015-08 | Attitudes towards the Irish Language on the Island of Ireland | Foras na Gaeilge; Economic and Social Research Institute; Darmody, Merike; Daly, Tania |
2015-10 | Research Report on New Speakers of Irish | Foras na Gaeilge; Walsh, John; O'Rourke, Bernadette; Rowland, Hugh |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9
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