Other Publications (Waterways Ireland)

No documents have yet emanated from this Department / Agency.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 46
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-01The Grand Canal : Recreation, Activation and Animation Portobello to Kylemore Road. Supporting document to the link, node and zone information
Waterways Ireland; Dublin City Council
2023-01The Grand Canal : Recreation, Activation and Animation Portobello to Kylemore Road
Waterways Ireland; Dublin City Council
2022-10Audit of Inequalities 2023-2025Waterways Ireland
2020-07Traditional Heritage Boat Surveys : Shannon Navigation, Shannon Erne Waterway, Grand Canal, Royal CAnal, Barrow Navigation, Lower Bann Navigation & Erne System. An initiative of the Waterways Ireland Heritage Plan 2016-2020
Waterways Ireland; Inland Waterways Association of Ireland; Heritage Boat Association; Meitheal Mara (Community Boatyard Cork)
2022-04Pricing StrategyWaterways Ireland; KPMG Future Analytics
2023-01Recreation Activation and Animation The Grand Canal : Portobello to Kylemore Road : Supporting Document to the Link, Node and Zone Information
Waterways Ireland
2023-01Recreation Activation and Animation The Grand Canal : Portobello to Kylemore Road
Waterways Ireland
2018-06Development of a Visitor Experience Plan : Final Report
Waterways Ireland; CHL Consulting Company Ltd
2023-05Reimagining Our Waterways : Draft 10 Year Long-Term Plan
Waterways Ireland
2022-04Shannon Greenway proposed routesWaterways Ireland
2022-04Shannon greenway Limerick to Tuamgraney/Scarriff : Elected Members Briefing
Waterways Ireland
2022-04Limerick to Scarriff Greenway Feasibility and Constraints ReportWaterways Ireland
2023-05Draft 10 Year Long Term Plan : Screening Report for Appropriate Assessment
Waterways Ireland
2023-05Draft 10 Year Long Term Plan : Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Report : Prepared for Waterways Ireland under SI 435 of 2004 as amended April 2023
Waterways Ireland
2024-01Shannon Navigation & Canal Bye-laws Public Consultation Report : Synopsis of responses to the Shannon Navigation Bye-laws & Canal Bye-laws public consultation, together with Waterways Ireland's response
Waterways Ireland
2022-04Climate Action Plan 2030Waterways Ireland
2022-07Voyages and Visits : Enjoying Ireland's Inland Waterways
Waterways Ireland
2016-02-29Heritage Plan 2016 - 2020Waterways Ireland
2020-10Sea Statement : The Shannon : A Tourism Masterplan (2020-2030)
SLR Consulting
2020-10Tourism Masterplan for the Shannon Region : Environmental Report
SLR Consulting
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 46