Other Publications (Northern Ireland Audit Office)

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 137
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-10Grant Fraud RisksNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2021-10-21A Strategic Approach to the Use of Public Sector Assets : A Good Practice Guide for Local Government in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Audit Office
2021-10-12Continuous improvement arrangements in policingNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2021-06-29The Northern Ireland budget processNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2021-06-22Sports Sustainability FundNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2021-06-17Broadband Investment in Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2021-06-08Second Report - Overview of the Northern Ireland Executive's Response to the COVID-19 PandemicNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2021-03Code of Audit Practice 2021 : In relation to the functions of the Local Government Auditor in the audit of Local Government Bodies in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Audit Office
2021-03-23The Management and Delivery of the Personal Independence Payment Contract in Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2021-03Northern Ireland Audit Office coverage of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural AffairsNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2021-03Northern Ireland Audit Office coverage of the Department for CommunitiesNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2021-03Northern Ireland Audit Office coverage of the Department for the EconomyNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2021-03Northern Ireland Audit Office coverage of the Department of EducationNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2021-03Northern Ireland Audit Office coverage of the Department of FinanceNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2021-03Northern Ireland Audit Office coverage of the Department of HealthNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2021-03Northern Ireland Audit Office coverage of the Department for InfrastructureNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2021-03Northern Ireland Audit Office coverage of the Department of JusticeNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2021-03Northern Ireland Audit Office coverage of The Executive OfficeNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2021-05-05Closing the Gap - Social Deprivation and links to Educational AttainmentNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2020-03-03Continuous improvement arrangements in policingNorthern Ireland Audit Office
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 137