Other Publications (Food Standards Agency, Northern Ireland)

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 88
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-11Food and You: Northern Ireland : Wave 1-2 Key Findings
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland; Armstrong, Beth; King, Lucy; Ibrahimi, Ayla; Clifford, Robin; Jitlal, Mark
2021-05Food Security in Northern Ireland : Food and You 2: Wave 1
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland; Armstrong, Beth; King, Lucy; Clifford, Robin; Jitlal, Mark
2019-11Eating Well Choosing Better Northern Ireland Tracking Research : Wave 5 Report
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2021-03Eating Well Choosing Better SurveyFood Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2022-01Eating Well Choosing Better Wave 7Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2023-04Eating Well Choosing Better Tracker Survey Wave 8 2022Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2024-03What's on the Children's menu? : Research into children's meals served in restaurants in Northern Ireland
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland; McGonagle, Jennifer
2021-07Guidance on voluntary energy labelling for out of home businesses in Northern IrelandFood Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2022-11Summary of responses : Consultation on the draft Food Hygiene Rating (Online Display) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2023
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2022-08Approval of food establishments in Northern Ireland policy : Summary
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2022-11Food and You 2 : Northern Ireland : Wave 3-4 Key Findings
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland; Armstrong, Beth; King, Lucy; Ibrahimi, Ayla; Clifford, Robin; Jitlal, Mark
2022-10-19Consultation on proposed removal of discounts on charges for meat industry enforcement activity in FSA-approved meat establishments in Northern IrelandFood Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2022-10Consultation on proposed changes to the Food Law code of Practice (Northern Ireland) in relation to the new Food Standards Delivery ModelFood Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2022-06-17The Food Hygiene rating (Online Display) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2023 : Consultation
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2022-01Moving fishery products or bivalve molluscs from Great Britain and non EU countries into Northern IrelandFood Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2019Nutritional Content of Scones : A report on the nutritional analysis of scones available from high street coffee shops in Northern Ireland 2018
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2020-09Front of Pack Nutritional Labelling in Northern Ireland : Research with food manufacturers
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2020-09Nutritional Content of Cheesecake : Results of nutritional analysis of cheesecake available from out of home businesses across Northern Ireland 2019
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2019-04National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS RP) : Results for Years 5 to 9 (combined) of the Rolling Programme for Northern Ireland (2012/13 - 2016/17) and time trend and income analysis (Years 1 to 9; 2008/08 - 2016/17)
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland; Department of Health; Safefood; Bates, Beverley; Clifford, Robin; Collins, D; Cox, Lorna; Davidson, N; Gay, Clifton; Nicholson, Sonja; O'Reilly, Marian; Page, Polly; Roberts, Caireen; Steer, Toni; Swan, Gillian
2020-11Northern Ireland Take Home Food and Drink Purchases (2014 and 2018)Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 88