Other Publications (Food Standards Agency, Northern Ireland)

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 88
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-10-16Consultation on The Food Hygiene Rating Act (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2021-03-01Review of the Food Law Code of Practice, Food Law Practice Guidance, and implementation of the Competency Framework – Northern Ireland : Summary of stakeholder responses
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2020-11-13Review of the Food Law Code of Practice, Food Law Practice Guidance, and implementation of the Competency FrameworkFood Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2021-04Consultation on The Food and Feed Hygiene and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2021-11Proposed rationalisation of official control shellfish biotoxin and phytoplankton monitoring points in Carlingford Lough : Summary of stakeholders responses
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2021-04Rationalisation of official control shellfish biotoxin and phytoplankton monitoring points in Carlingford LoughFood Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2021-09Proposals to allow flour millers to place unfortified flour on the Northern Ireland market, subject to it being destined for countries outside the UK, or used in products destined to be sold outside the UKFood Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2016Feed Law Enforcement : Guidance Document (Northern Ireland)
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2018-03Proposal to Allow Pet Food Production in Food EstablishmentsFood Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2017-10-27Natural Mineral Water, Spring Water and Bottled Drinking Water Regulations in Wales and Northern IrelandFood Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2018-02Raw Drinking Milk Consumer Research : Final Report for Food Standards Agency
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2018-08Northern Ireland consumer perceptions of reformulation of foodFood Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2017-06National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS RP) : Result from Years 1-4 (combined) for Northern Ireland (2008/09-2011/12) : A survey carried out on behalf of the Food Standards Agency in Northern Ireland and Public Health England
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland; Department of Health; Safefood, the Food Safety Promotion Board
2016-07Understanding NI Consumer Needs Around Food Labelling : TNS BMRB Research
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2015-02Safe catering : your guide to making food safety
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2017-03A reference to Food Composition and Labelling Legislation : Food Standards Training Manual
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2017-05Help Stop On-Farm Lead Poisoning : Protect your livestock, business and the UK's food
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland; Agri-Food Biosciences Institute
2017Nutrition Labelling Information for Food Business : Nutrition Labelling Requirements under the Food Information to Consumers Regulation (EU) No.1169/2011
Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2017-12The Jam and Similar Products Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2018Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2017-12Condensed Milk and Dried Milk Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2018Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 88