Regular Publications (Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland)

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 44
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-LMC Bulletin (2021)Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-LMC Bulletin (2022)Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-LMC Bulletin (2023)Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-LMC Bulletin (2022)Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-LMC Bulletin (2021)Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-LMC Bulletin (2020)Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-Cow Conformation and Fat Class AnalysisLivestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-Prime Cattle Fat Class and Conformation AnalysisLivestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-Sheep Classification Quarterly UpdateLivestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-NI Beef Industry Key Performance Indicators (Snapshot)Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-NI Sheep Industry Key Performance Indicators (Snapshot)Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-NI Calf Registrations (2016-2021)Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-LMC Bulletin (2019)Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-LMC Bulletin (2018)Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-LMC Bulletin (2017)Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-LMC Bulletin (2016)Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-LMC Bulletin (2015)Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-LMC QuarterlyLivestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-NI Beef and Sheep YearbookLivestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-LMC Brussels News UpdateLivestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 44
